Köppern Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co.KG (KAT), Freiberg, Germany
Our location in Freiberg, near Dresden in the eastern German state of Saxony, is our primary sales center with regard to comminution applications for the cement and mining/ores industries. Accordingly, this engineering center is responsible for questions of process technology and layout in the various areas of comminution.
The company is situated next to the campus of the university (Bergakademie) of Freiberg. There the university operates for Köppern its main pilot plant facilities. This location has the great advantage of easy access to the scientific support and resources of the Bergakademie.
The pilot plant facilities are divided into the area of briquetting and compaction, and the area of high-pressure comminution and wear-rate testing.
Read more about Köppern pilot plants
Agricolastraße 24
09599 Freiberg
T +49 (3731) 2018-0
F +49 (3731) 2018-20